Saturday 29 August 2015

Motos Out. Drones In.

Vuelta Stage 8, Puebla de Don Frabrique - Murcia:

Today is going to be a good day.

Jesus christ I actually didn't get past Iljo's name there; turns out it's the BEST BREAKAWAY EVA.

STAY AWAY STAY AWAY only half the stage to go!

Well this is going to be annoying if the video is 10 seconds ahead of the audio all day.

Oh great. Valv.Piti is from Murcia. 

Sad face. Gap is already down to 1.44.

Ooop looks like a crash.

Ooooh fuck, they say Tejay looks like a broken collarbone. Oh there he is, jesus, lying on the ground holding his shoulder.

All of Lotto seems to be down.

A Garmindale sitting in the grass apparently?

It's not Dan is it?? It looks like Dan.

It didn't look anything like Ben King, Carlton you asshole.

Bouhanni too again if you can believe.

Cracking on ahead up here I guess.

Splits in the group, possibly because of the crash.

Oops back from commercial break and Iljo is falling back to the main group. Alex and a few others 25 seconds ahead.

Alex is trying to pull ahead.

Annnnnd he's gone solo.

Christ. The king is dead long live the king. Cycling Weekly really don't want to be scooped, has this even been confirmed??

Oh hiiiiii Iljo!

The fucking second time of asking. Carlton Kirby should not be allowed to commentate on circuits.

Soldiering on solo up front with Alex.

He's got like 40 seconds.

Niki! Allllooo.

Alex onto the descent.

OH FOR FUCKS. He fell!!

Jesus hell he came unclipped and tried to control and went straight for the corner on the precipice and then launched off the front and fell on his face!

Oh Alex. Passed on the descent by a Caja Rual. His chain is off now.

This descent is a bit of a mess.

No news on Dan?

Niki's just hanging around the front on his own, tucked in behind Tinkoff.

Everyone's racing to the base of the climb.


Giant's up there too.

G off the back here?  


Now it's Brambilla leading. A Lotto-Jumbo is trying to get to him.

Goddammit. Dan really has such extreme unluck.  

TheBoz leading with a Garmindale and Niki behind.

They're away!

Everyone's going mental now though.

Up front Brambilla, Caja Rual, and a Lampre.

Chasers Niki, an FDJ, a JJ Rojas, a Sky, a Katusha.

Tom Dumoulin leading the peloton!

Skys follow, and Chaves.

Niki falling back to the peloton.

Or is he?

Oh god back onto the descent.

What happened??? Are they looking at different pictures?? What happened to Niki!

Oh man JJ Rojas went over Howes' Barrier.

It's literally impossible to follow what is happening on this descent. 

We'll wait for the inevitable regrouping on the flat.

Back from commercial. Attacks thick and fast.


Jam-ay do san twa. Fucking hell. That's a Sean Kelly interpretation of jamais deux sans trois.

PETER NO!!!!!!!!!!

Did he get knocked by a motorbike!!!??

He is KICKING the motorbikes and missing half his shorts. Oh my god.

Wooah. Words are being had with the medical car. The medical car is like well fuck you too then! And sped off. Very professional.

There are some people up front apparently but who knows who they are. Under 6k with 12 seconds maybe?



Trek about to catch these guys.


Fucking hell between the wrong clocks the shitty camera work and the fucking incompetent commentary I literally don't know WHAT the fuck is going on.

I THINK we're all back together. Just under 3k.

Riccardo Zoidl leading the peloton.



OMFG 1.2k but they are RIGHT BEHIND HIM



DAMMIT. Caught at like I dunno 500m

Ahh mini bunch sprint

Trek! Who are you?

Naturally the commentators don't know who it is either. Helpful.

Ahahaha! Lovely

Nico keepin' up high there.

Fuuuuuuckin hell there are gonna be some words from Peter tonight. 

Off-air footage is the greatest. They always head over to Ashley and Juan Antonio slightly early and they're like checking their phones and shit.

He's just come past us just now and he. is. mad.

This year happen too many time similar thing. YES Juan Antonio. What the hell.

Juan Antonio is very upset.

OMFG Juan Antonio knows too.

Apparently the neutral service bike 'clipped' him from behind.

"Crash in the ass"??? Esteban's Vuelta Extra is getting more looney day by day.

I think I also probably agree with the sentiment but jesus christ this sounds amazingly dramatic and apocalyptic. 

Like the call to war for the inevitable robot revolution. I'm obsessed.

Nice shot G. That's what I imagine the NASA project looks like from the inside.


Ah Dan, we know. It's a separated shoulder for our man Dan, though he maintains remarkable perspective about the whole thing. Heal up quick Dan!

Honestly UCI. You're only hurting yourselves. Ned's distillation of the offence as 'being angry at almost being killed' is sublime though.

Whatever happened to good ol' injuries and menace?

Rather measured response I'd say, given what went down.

The hell??! He did casually mention in passing on Vuelta Extra that he was caught up in the first crash, but man... hardman.

Fucking hell. Biggest, healingest wishes to Kris Boeckmans!

Sometimes imperfect translations really say it best.

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