Sunday 29 May 2011

Round the World Roundup

First off, do we still consider the following events 'news'?

1) What's that you say? I've won another US Champs Time Trial?  The only reason he didn't win last year is cuz he didn't compete.  That's the way Dave Z does it.

2) Other constant-winner and father of a hilarious podium baby PhilGil gets another bouteille for his efforts.  That face says 'Thanks. I didn't have any of these.'

Despite the near-inevitability of both wins (and all future wins, in all disciplines), I can only say this. 

Elsewhere, in an undisclosed location somewhere in the Alps, Leopards are doing recon.  Bring on the TDF!

Meanwhile, in Italia:

Thank god the Giro's over.  Russ Downing took on his first grand tour and the grand tour almost won.  Also, I've just been on wikipedia, and his nickname is Fonzy?? We're gonna need to talk about that at some point.

Not sure how I feel about this, (shouldn't he be banned??) but does the image remind anyone else of the end of Mario 64?

While the situation is a sticky one, should we really be taking out our issues in this manner? It's just so passive aggressive.

Oh David Millar, you hipster you.  He SO nearly calls on someone to man up at the end! It's like his default setting.   

The US is splitting it's time between the rather excellent US Championships and the rather tedious and certainly sort of shiftly-looking business about drugs.  Seriously, I’m not subscribing to the Armstrong tactic of Discredit your Enemies, but does Tyler Hamilton look a wee bit mental there? Like, seriously?

In Flandis, Take 2, we've not got the good stuff about really specialist olive oil or the hilarious embarrassment of this episode, but Tyler Hamilton did once suggest he was a chimera. I'm not quite sure how to come back from that.

So far we've not had David Millar call on anyone to man up, but we'll wait for some quotables to match last time's "I would advise him to look for help. When I’m talking about professional help, I’m not talking about lawyers. I’m talking about other help."

This is too amazing not to share.  I guess maybe the answer to his first question is uhh, people who like cycling?  I could equally dismiss a doping scandal in football as 'one guy who took drugs so he could run faster down a fake field in plastic shoulders."  But besides being no fan of cycling, he is also clearly no fan of the government.  That's amazing and comes out of fucking nowhere.

And to end on a positive note, please enjoy Ted King's childish delight at the end of this clip.

1 comment:

  1. That 0 on the right in the Leo-pard shot is totally Andy, right? I recognize those flowing locks anyhwere...even in the mountains.

    That article on Lance made me really angry, cos it seemed like the guy just had no point. If nobody should care - as you posit, dude-with-the-sex-offender avatar as your byline photo - then why should anyone care about your article? Conundrum! And, yes, the anti-government thing comes totally out of left field and, if it can be believe, is even less coherently argued than the part focusing on Lance.

    This is what happens when morons try and be all populist and write about sports, and demean it because they don't understand it.

    As David Millar might say, MAN UP.
