Tuesday 14 June 2011

Lance Armstrong is an alpha male. And other really shocking news.

First off, Steve's back! Anyone who gets his Race for Kids updates (or who has perhaps read in graphic detail of Greg LeMond's gastric problems in the 1986 Tour) will be pleased to hear this grisley affair is (hopefully) over and done with.  Go PHS class of 2003!


I don't really love Bradley Wiggins' Dauphine win. Cuz now we'll have to hear him endlessly managing expectations for the next three weeks (though Robert Millar talking up his chances and shitting all over that idea has been rather amusing) and then being just sort of a douchebag all the way through the Tour whether he finishes on the podium or in the Broomwagon. Though I suppose some congrats are in order for Team Sky for improving like 300% on last year's results.

Certainly up there for Weirdest Podium Ever.  Is Cadel Evans Wiggo's date? Is he doing Blue Steel? Has Vino had his jaw wired shut? And should he even be allowed near a podium? And why can Bradley Wiggins never manage to look even moderately pleased AT ANYTHING?

I'm puttin in out there: Get ready for more of this man in yellow come July.  And of course most definitely, Baby Bro.

I do not like birds, buuuuuuut if he rode the stage with that thing on his shoulder, I could so get on board with that.

Speaking of weird photos, I like photos of the Schleck brothers more than most, but why does Frankie look like he drank from the wrong grail? 

Looking on the bright side:

Nica Roche offers some rather amusing perspective on a recent conversation with Dan Martin.  I love him as much as he loves exclamation points.

Cyling is always there to remind us to be thankful that we still have our jaws.  Ted King always knows just what to say. 

As for the latest in Man Vs. Chimera, I like how the whole tone of this article is essentially "IF this happened, that would have a whole lotta legal ramifications."  Yeah, if he killed a man, that would cause some problems with the law too.

I love Jens Voigt.

1 comment:

  1. First: have you trademarked scaryshit.com? Cos that's brilliant and you could totally work it into a sub-section of AiCS.

    I love that two "favorites" for the Tour are a guy who is trying so desperately to manage expectations that he must cry every time someone in his national press picks him to do well...and someone who, by all accounts, should already be suspended (at least provisionally) by the UCI. Brad Wiggo and Bad Meat - it's the 2011 Tour day France on OLN - er, Versus!

    Tyler Hamilton is a joke. I mean, we can say that with certainty now, right? Beyond lying on camera after lying for 8 years, he's now playing the "Lance was mean to me" card??? Ask Paul Kimmage how that usually turns out. And I love that he was booted from the restaurant, apparently on Generalissimo Lance's orders!
